It has been almost 9 mths since I've written anything on my blog at all, and I think it's definitely time for an update.
My life has changed so much & will soon change so much more.
We found out on Tuesday October 6, 2009, our 3rd wedding anniversary, that we are going to be parents. It was & still is the most shocking & overwhelming news I have ever heard in my life. I knew that I was extremely tired but thought it was just that my B12 was low, so I had blood work done. My Dr's office called me a few days later & asked me to come in that day. I was sure there was something seriously wrong with me, but instead my Dr told me that I'm pregnant. What a shock that was for both Jeff & I.
It's incredibly hard to believe that October 6th was almost 6 months ago and that we soon will have a beautiful baby girl.
Another change for us is that we have to move out of the apartment we've called home for almost 5 years. We live in an adult only building, so we are being forced out. At first I was really upset about it, as was Jeff, but the more we go through our things & look around our apartment, we can't wait to move.
A new home, with a new baby seems right. This home was ours as childless couple, but our new apartment will be our first family home. It's nicer, bigger & feels like it will be a perfect fit for our little family.
Pregnancy is something that I honestly never thought I'd have the joy of experiencing. I had resigned myself to the fact that it was going to be Jeff & I, with Muffin, forever. I was really okay with that to be honest, only because I wouldn't let myself think about what I was missing. I didn't think my body 'worked', so I didn't think this joy would fall upon us. I have never been so happy to be wrong about something in my life. Pregnancy so far, for me, has been relatively easy. Sure, I'm tired, my back aches every now & again, and I had a bout or two of nausea if I let myself get too hungry, but I didn't have a moment of morning sickness that so many woman experience, I haven't had any blood pressure issues, and I had my glucose test 2 wks ago & haven't heard back from the Dr's office, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
I have 8wks of work left, including this upcoming week, and I have 10 weeks & 6 days until our due date. Time is flying by, but I'm trying my best to absorb all the little moments. I'm doing a half assed job of keeping a journal for our princess, but I figure I'll continue on with it after she's born anyhow, so it's not just for my pregnancy, it's going to be about her childhood.
I'm really happy with my life right now. I am married to a wonderful, compassionate, caring, funny man, who makes me feel like I can do & be anything in this life of mine. He reassures me that I am going to be a good mother when I display such fervent doubt in my abilities. He reminds me that I am my own person who will make my own decisions on how to mother our daughter, and that I am not what I think I am, or who I think I'll turn out to be. I love him so fiercely & am so innately proud that he is not only a part of my life, but my partner in life. He is going to be such an amazing father. He displays such a genuine protective & loving nature that there is no way for him to fail at his new upcoming job.
The countdown is on....34 days until we move....76 days until our due date....I can't wait for the next part of our lives to begin!!