I don't tolerate this very well. I am angry at the lack of respect shown to a certain member of my family, one I love very much. The person showing them this disrespect, in my opinion, is not a good person at the core of their being. I think they are petty, sad & pitiful. More than hating this person, I feel extreme pity toward them . It must be sad & hard to live a life where you are so inherently unhappy that you can be so disrespectful of other people. A life where people only pretend to like you but when you aren't around they talk about the immense amount of faults you have & how you need to get help for them.
I am angry at the disrespect this person has shown me in my journey with them. I have given more chances than ever earned or deserved but I am now done. There are no more chances... after the 10th or 11th I tend to wear out.
I don't think I have it in me to play fake nice anymore and honestly, I have no reason to play fake nice. What's the point of it? Let's pretend to like each other because we have a person in common? No, I don't think so...not anymore. You don't like me, I'm very much aware of this, and I know you know that I don't like you, so let's not pretend anymore.
I also don't understand how people think they are better or smarter than someone else only because they have a University education. As far as I'm concerned, you can go to University for 15 years, it doesn't make you any smarter or better than joe blow who has worked his whole life. So, throwing that in someone's face only proves that you have no idea of how the real world works. Life experience, common sense & how you treat others counts for one hell of a lot more than a University diploma on the wall.
In case it isn't quite clear, I'm angry & I'm hurt for this family member, they deserve better than this. I just wish they really realized it & would walk away. My heart breaks for the life they could have without this person....a life of drama free happiness....what a concept!