So with that said, I'll talk about the only thing that is in the forefront of my mind and has been since last night. I am extremely proud of myself right now. Three years ago I was at my highest weight, I hated the way I looked, I could barely move, walking was excruciatingly painful on my back and hips. I couldn't figure out how I was going to manage to lose weight that I had gained while being sick with graves disease and taking steroids for over a year to fix it. My legs retained so much fluid that if I cut myself while shaving clear liquid came out and not blood, and the cut would leak for hours and hours. I hated everything to do with myself. I didn't wear makeup anymore, always had my hair in a ponytail & dressed like a slob all because I just didn't feel like anything I did made a difference in how I looked.
Well, fast forward 3 years, to July 18, 2009....last night I stepped on the scale to a major victory, I officially have at least 70 lbs off now. The reason I say at least is because I am pretty sure that I weighed more before I actually started losing than I did the one & only time I remember being weighed during the whole Graves fiasco....
I don't know how I lost the weight for sure, but I do know that ironically enough working in retail was the beginning of me saving myself. I had to stand all day long, I had to move and walk, I had to force myself to do those things even if they hurt, and they did hurt. Standing all day long with that much weight on my body was brutal. The lower half of my body ached every day, but I had to make a living somehow. We also stopped eating take-out 3 times a week or so. We now have a once a week rule that keeps us from binging even though once a week is still probably too much. We had a bout of time where we stopped drinking pop too, which was hard to do but we both felt better.
There has been a lot of things that have contributed to my weight loss, but regardless of what they were and still are, I'm just so happy that I'm beginning to see in the mirror the girl that I was before Graves.
I have to add that I have not done this alone by any means. Jeff has been there with me every single step, and he himself has lost at least 50lbs. I looked at our engagement pictures last night & I barely recognize those 2 people, because I never saw us that way & neither did he.
Here are pictures of us in May 06 & Dec 08.....we've both lost more weight since the Dec pic but it's the most recent one I have....

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