Monday, June 11, 2012

Katie Lou turns 2

Sitting quietly in my daughter's room as she starts to drift off into nap land, I watch her precious little face. This little girl, this ball of energy, this mile a minute talker is almost 2.

Two years ago, I was one day from my due date & wondered if my Katie would ever arrive.  Now, I can't believe everything we've been through together.

I am truly amazed by her. Amazed. she has just begun singing, and boy, does she ever love it.  Just random sounds & sometimes a twinkle or star gets thrown in.

She loves to run. Her arms & legs flapping about, as if they are not even aware of how quickly she is moving. 

She loves rocks, trains, & butterflies. Her 'friends' are Elmo, Mickey mouse, pooh bear & Tinkerbell. 

She loves playing outside. Going to Grammy & Poppy's house. Snuggles, her two fingers to suck on & her bunny. 

She is the reason I want to be better. She's the reason I decided to live life fully as myself, unafraid of what others think. I don't want her to grow up afraid of the world, the way I am. I want her to truly believe that she can do or be anything, because I truly believe in that.

I had no idea the ride I was in for 2 years ago. I waited 5 days longer than I expected to have to wait for this little beauty. Seeing as she arrived on her own schedule, I  shouldn't be so surprised that she's so determined.

I have a feeling that the last two years have been good building blocks for our future. We butt heads, figuratively & literally, we hug, we cry, we get angry, we say sorry,we do it all together.

On June 17th, I'll not only be celebrating Katie's 2nd birthday, but also the day I started my journey to being a better person.

Katherine Louise Grattan, sweet Katie Lou, I love you & I'm so incredibly proud to be your Mama.