I speak like her, quickly & quite a bit. I fly off the handle like she did. I cry like her. I have a soft heart like her. I am strong like her. I am so proud of her. More so, I am so proud to come from her.
My mother...if you know Velna, you know all of the above is true about her, two fold if you know me as well. She & I, we are so alike in more ways than either of us even realize. I am really just so proud to be her daughter.
It wasn't long ago that you wouldn't have heard those words from me. Not because I didn't love my Mom, but because I didn't understand. I didn't get it. I didn't see her as a person, she was just my Mom. This woman I rammed heads with for how many ever years. I see her for so much more now.
We spent a lot time battling each other. She wanted so much for me. She saw things in me that I didn't see. She saw me throwing away my life by not trying in school. Little did I understand then, and really until recently, that she was angry with me because she loved me so damn much. I get it now. Hindsight....
She has always loved me the best way she knew how. She has always worried about me. She has always been proud of me...all things that I've really come to realize since moving home. I can't believe I ever doubted any of those things. I was so wrapped up in my own anger, depression & anxiety.
In case you don't know my Mom, she's a really great person. She loves with her whole heart, she's determined (our polite way of saying stubborn), she would honestly give her family the shirt off her back if we even hinted at needed it, she loves to sing, dance & laugh,. She loves her children so much, but there is nothing in comparison to the love she shows Katie.
My Mom, is the best Grammy!! Holy cow, she's awesome!! She loves little Katie Lou with every fiber of her being. That little girl knows that Grammy loves her, she knows Grammy thinks she's smart, beautiful & funny. She loves her Grammy so much in return. They are such a gift to each other.
I am so glad that we moved home. It has allowed my Mom & I to heal our relationship. It has allowed us to love each other openly. It has allowed us to become much more what we have both always wanted. Mostly, it has allowed me to realize what a gift I have in my Mom.
Mom, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Thank you for always loving me & I get it now.
The absolutely honest ramblings of a formerly depressed & anxiety ridden, hippie dippy, single mom of 2, who loves life despite the bullshit.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
More than Enough

She counts to twelve regularly now, she once counted backwards from 5, and finished it with an exuberant 'BLASTOFF!'. She teaches me how to be silly again. I run around my home pretending to be someone who enjoys running, just to hear her squeals of delight, her little happy shrieks & 'MAMA! waiiit!'. She knows her colours, but more often than not will confuse pink & purple. My little love bug.
She has such a soft, kind heart. I worry for her. I used to be like that. If we cough, she needs to know we're ok, no matter what room we're in. If she knows someone is sad, sick or has just a simple headache, she will mention it more times than you can ever count. She mentions it with pure concern though, and I worry about her.

If I had nothing else to be thankful for in my life, she would be enough. She is always more than enough & I plan to make sure she always knows that. Our gift from the Universe, so smart, sweet & beautiful. Always, sweet Katherine, you will be more than enough.
I'm not that girl
Today, I was showing Katie my baby pictures, at the back of the album were these 4 pictures. Prom 1996. It wasn't my prom, but that of my very platonic friend. If you look closely, you'll notice something in all 4 photos, I have my arms covering my stomach. Also, if you look closely, you'll notice I wasn't that big. I was about 175lbs, 5'8, a bit chubby at best. I felt immediately saddened for that girl. I remember being that girl. So very vividly. She was so insecure. She felt so out of place & really thought no boy would ever love her.
As a teenager, I really didn't feel like I was ever good enough. I didn't have any sense of style, I hung out in the band room (I love all my band friends, but we all know we weren't the 'cool' kids), I was flunking math, science and anything else that didn't interest me & I was fat. Soooo incredibly fat!!! Except, I wasn't.
I wasn't fat. I wasn't stupid. I wasn't uncool. The thing is, it has taken me until now to realize that.
I am at the beginning of what I believe to be the biggest change of my life. Less than 2 weeks ago, Jeff & I started living a healthier life. We've been watching what we eat, he has been walking a lot, I go sometimes, and it feels really great. Neither of us feel like we're giving up much. It feels good to care about myself & my Katherine enough to do this. I fully believe I'm getting mentally stronger because of it, as well.
For someone who believes so strongly in the power of positive thought, I have been sucking in & blowing out a lot of negative energy the last little while. I guess I have been realizing lately that because I'm not by nature, a super happy-go-lucky person, I need to be more aware of the energy I put out. I want great things, so I have to put out great energy! Bottom line.
I wish the girl in those pictures knew then what I know now about life. I know everyone says it, but when you have the first real moment where you realize what you've been through in your life & how proud you should be sometimes just for being here, breathing, living & loving. My god....I wish I had of known then what I know now.
I think I would've taken the right things much more seriously. I would not have been such a self-conscious follower, because really, look at me; I have blue hair, I am not a follower. I thought I needed approval from people then that now, I wouldn't be upset if they never spoke to me again because I am stronger than I ever knew I could be.
I spent a lot of years feeling weak & unimportant. I really thought that every person I ever encountered would think of me as a hateful bitch. Now, I cannot even fathom how many years of my life I spent believing that. I didn't think anyone would like me. Even when I had friends, mostly through work, I never really let anyone in, because I didn't believe they would ever really like me if they knew me. I'm a hateful bitch. Except, I'm not.
I'm not any of the things that my really vicious internal dialogue has been telling me for as long as I can even remember. It's funny the things you remember from your childhood; at the forefront of my brain is one time when I was at a friend's place & her older brother made fun of me by saying I had 'gummy lips'. I remember thinking it was such a horrible thing, it stuck with me, until recently when I've realized that women pay money for lips like these! Mine were free! Buh-Bye silly voice in my head!
I'm beginning to feel this fire inside me, I feel strong & confident. The old voices telling me how fat my legs are, how embarrassed I should be for showing them in public, the ones telling me how much people won't like me at first sight because I have foolish hair or because I'm a hateful bitch, they're going away.
I'm not that girl anymore, I'm twice as old now as I was then. I'm glad that even though it has taken way too long, the sadness & fears that she held are becoming less and less mine. It feels good to love yourself. Who knew?
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